Monday, March 29, 2010

The fear experiment

Fear is...

Fear is a preventer.
Fear is a prison owner.
Fear is a opportunity not taken.
Fear is a thief.
Fear is a destroyer.
Fear is doubt all grown up.
Fear is a tormenter.
Fear is an isolator and a devastator.

Fear prevents many from pursuing their lives goals and ambitions.
Fear holds millions captive by it's tormentive ability.
Fear Kills; it kills dreams, plans, and even people (literally).
Fear is the the enemy of hope
the thief of peace,
and the murderer of risk.
Fear of the unknown prones us fear more.
fear is the robber of "what could have been".
Fear is strong in the hands of the permissive but weak in the hands of the brave.

It is your choice;
Will you let fear rule you, or will you overcome it?

The experiment:

Survey on Fear.

Questions that will be asked on the survey:

1. Do you fear public speaking?
2. If you had to choose between giving a speech in front of 25 students or 1000, which one would it be?
3. Do you get really nervous before the speech? (Sweaty palms, sweaty pits and a dry mouth?)
4. Why do you think public speaking makes you so afraid/nervous, or people in general? What do you think is that root of your fear?
5. Do you agree with this statement, "People fear public speaking more than death."

Predicted reactions:

Although I can not predict the exact answers that will be submitted, I do predict that there will be commonalities between the answers: There will be more similarities than differences.

1. Most people will be afraid of public speaking.
2. Most do get nervous before making a speech/presentation.
3. The root of fear, is the fear of being judged by others.

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