Monday, May 3, 2010

Final blog

Although I have not come to class as much as I would have liked to or should have, I still feel those times that I did come, had significant impact on me. The fear assignment was the project that challenged me the most, and I am very grateful for that assignment, because in a way I think it will better prepare me for overcoming a fear that I believe will be a big part of m future-speaking publicly before people. Since that assignment I have had and taken advantage of several opportunities to speak publicly. I have approached those opportunities as times to exercise my ability to face my fear head on. Those times have included speaking before people during sessions at church, speaking as the best man at my cousins wedding, and I just started leading a bible study. So the fear project really has pushed me into overcoming my fear and becoming more comfortable in speaking publicly. I hope to become more and more comfortable to the point where it is no longer a fear but second nature-then we can go on the the next fear and overcome that one (which ever it may be) next!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Response 4-19-2010

I feel really bad for not comming to class. I just have been so bombarded with work and projects, that my time has gotten away from me. I have been doing each assignment and have enjoyed most of the times that I did come out to the actual classroom. I hope to come for the remainder of the semester...

Monday, April 19, 2010

See and look

There is a difference between looking and seeing. I think that seeing is something done with less intent on the part of the viewer. If your eyes are open and you are not blind you will see something-you really dont have a choice. But to look requires intent, energy and focus. When you are looking, you are trying to "see" something specific, not just seeing whatever passes by,buy "seeing" with a purpose is what Ill call it. I see the tree and the gravel when I walk to class, but I'm looking for a woman to call my wife-there is a major difference.

Friday, April 16, 2010


This week I wasnt able to make it to class due to a project I wanted to work on for the ET school. But I disocvered that the due date for the proposal was yesterday, and it was too late for me to submit it, so I guess i missed class for nothing. Ill plan to be there next week! I really hate that I missed it...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

class response to 4-5-2010

This week I wasnt able to make it to class due to a project I wanted to work on for the ET school. But I disocvered that the due date for the proposal was yesterday, and it was too late for me to submit it, so I guess i missed class for nothing. Ill plan to be there next week.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Who am I

I am someone who has discovered their passion. I am someone who is in transition from boy to manhood. I want to be someone who is a reflection of Christ Jesus or Yashua (Joshua). I am a believe in Jesus Christ, and hope to become a person who shares their faith openly, without fear and regardless of the consequences or penalties that may come along with that. Many I would say know the real me to an extend. someone times my personality and mood really relay on the people, atmosphere and surroundings. I hope to make a career doing what I love, where each day I get up I dont agonize over going to work, but I look forward to it!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Fear Experiment Experiment & Results

Date: 3-28-2010 originally posted

Fear is...

Fear is a preventer.
Fear is a prison owner.
Fear is a opportunity not taken.
Fear is a thief.
Fear is a destroyer.
Fear is doubt all grown up.
Fear is a tormenter.
Fear is an isolator and a devastator.

Fear prevents many from pursuing their lives goals and ambitions.
Fear holds millions captive by it's tormentive ability.
Fear Kills; it kills dreams, plans, and even people (literally).
Fear is the the enemy of hope
the thief of peace,
and the murderer of risk.
Fear of the unknown prones us fear more.
fear is the robber of "what could have been".
Fear is strong in the hands of the permissive but weak in the hands of the brave.

It is your choice;
Will you let fear rule you, or will you overcome it?

The experiment:

Survey on Fear.

Questions that will be asked on the survey:

1. Do you fear public speaking?
2. If you had to choose between giving a speech in front of 25 students or 1000, which one would it be?
3. Do you get really nervous before the speech? (Sweaty palms, sweaty pits and a dry mouth?)
4. Why do you think public speaking makes you so afraid/nervous, or people in general? What do you think is that root of your fear?
5. Do you agree with this statement, "People fear public speaking more than death."

Predicted reactions:

Although I can not predict the exact answers that will be submitted, I do predict that there will be commonalities between the answers: There will be more similarities than differences.

1. Most people will be afraid of public speaking.
2. Most do get nervous before making a speech/presentation.
3. The root of fear, is the fear of being judged by others.

Date: 3-30-2010 Response

Actual Reactions:

The class was very receptive to the survey. Here are the statistical results of the survey:

1. Do you fear public speaking?

5/11- Yes
6/11- No

2. If you had to choose between giving a speech in front of 25 students or 1000, which one would it be?

4/11- 25 Students
2/11- 1000 Students
5/11- Does not make a difference

3. Do you get really nervous before the speech? (Sweaty palms, sweaty pits and a dry mouth?)

9/11- Yes
2/11- No

4. Why do you think public speaking makes you so afraid/nervous, or people in general? What do you think is that root of your fear?

Overall answer: Fear of what people will think and of failing.

5. Do you agree with this statement, "People fear public speaking more than death."

10/11- Yes
1/11- No

These results are extremely surprising to me. I am shocked that most answers reveal that people are not afraid of public speaking, at least not the people in the this class. But most did agree with the statement:
"People fear public speaking more than death." 10/11 agreed. I really thought the majority would be afraid of public speaking, but was I wrong.

This reaction was a combination of what I expected and what I did not expect.

My reaction to the false eye:

The greatest reaction I have had overall was the experiment given by the student with only one eye. That really stuck with me not only because of the shock of it (having a fake eye) but also just the risk he took in sharing such a sensitive part of himself with everyone. That showed such vulnerability. Even to have some people turn away when he took it out (me included) showed courage and again vulnerability. That is very admirable. I have gained not only respect for him but also for many of the other students in the classroom who made themselves opened to us.

-This project has also allowed me to open up to others more easily.

-It has caused me to self-confront one of my fears of speaking in front of others (even though it was a short time)

-I was able to feel more comfortable with expressing my ideas through conversation times

-This project birthed a new disgust within me that I have carried for the fear of verbal
communication and

-I think this new disgust of this fear will cause me to desire even more to confront and overcome it at every given opportunity and even to create opportunities for myself to exercise the
overcomming of this fear