Thursday, January 28, 2010

5 Rules

5 Rules that I hate:

1. If you consume more than you eat, you gain weight.

2. The medicine industry only sales temporary treatments, but wont sell us the cures.

3. You have to renew your liscene plate each and every year.

4. Humans Can not fly.

5. You have to learn what you wanna know, instead of knowing without having to learn.

5 Rules I wish Existed:

1. College Studnts do not have to take classes that do not directly relate to their degree/career

2. You can add as much time to your day as you need/wish.

3. College education would be completly free to those with highschool diplomas.

4. You only have to get gas once and you never have to fill up again!!!

5. 40 hour weeks are cut down to 10 hours with the exact same pay and with the option to work
up to 40 hours per week, mkaing overtime!

Monday, January 25, 2010

A simple complexity

The egg is probably the most common object world wide. We use it to nourish ourselves in a variety of ways : scrambled eggs, deviled eggs, cakes, batters, desserts, eggs are used in almost every recipe if you think about it. But when we look closer at it we see the complexity of its composition.

This is extremely fascinating to me!

Something that seems so simple has been fashioned and carefully composed. I believe this object, one of several million, was knitted together by an intelligent creator, God himself. Being able to view this diagram of the egg gives us further insight into the mind of the god; it gives us insight into his thought process and how he fit this together perfectly. His brilliance, organization and complex mind, at least a small part of those characteristics are displayed in this diagram! The egg is composed of the Shell, the membranes, the chalazae, the air cell, the inner and outer thick Albumen, the yolk membrane, and the yoke itself. All 8 parts serving in their roles to make an egg an egg!

And again, this is only one creation of a almost endless list: beans, vegetables, rice, grain, fruit, and thats just some foods! What about living things like bird, trees, the human eye, babies, cows, roaches, zebras, dogs, the brain, us??? The things we look at everyday that seem so super simple are extremely super complex in their structure, created to function in perfect order by an intelligent and CREATIVE designer.

Saturday, January 23, 2010