Monday, March 22, 2010

The Fear Experiment

Fears potential

Fear is a preventer.
Fear is a prison owner.
Fear is a opportunity not taken.
Fear is a thief.
Fear is a destroyer.
Fear is doubt all grown up.
Fear is a tormenter.
Fear is an isolator and a devastator.

Fear prevents many from pursuing their lives goals and ambitions.
Fear holds millions captive by it's tormentive ability.
Fear Kills; it kills dreams, plans, and even people (literally).
Fear is the the enemy of hope
the thief of peace,
and the murderer of risk.
Fear of the unknown prones us fear more.
fear is the robber of "what could have been".
Fear is strong in the hands of the permissive but weak in the hands of the brave.

It is your choice;
Will you let fear rule you, or will you overcome it?

The experiment:

Facing one of my greatest fears. The fear of :


1. I plan to give a speech next week, talking about myself, and others (really people in general) in regards to why we fear this activity so much!

Prediction of behaviors from the class:

Negatives Reactions:

1. I predict some will become board and uninterested
2. I think some may not even care at all about what I talk about

(These reactions are really what my fear of public speaking roots from)

Positive Reactions:

1. They will be interested and active listeners in what I says.
2. Someone that I say will be useful to them and will help them in some way.

Ill post back again next week to put up what actually happens!!! Till then....

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