Sunday, February 7, 2010


Wierd, strange, beautiful?

Crop circles....WOW!! AMAZING! Honestly, I didnt even know what one was until i pulled up a pictures on googles, the day this assignment was posted. I didnt even know that they existed outside of the movie that Mel Gibson played in call "Signs".

In this blog im going to just talk about the top 3 thoughts and the two strongest emotions/feelings attached to that thought, that come to my mind when I look at the picture of the crop circle:

First Thought:

1. The movie "Signs &$6#@(" with Mel Gibson.

a. An Eerieness b/c of aliens in the movie.
b. A deep Sadness b/c of the movie's dark tones.

Thought #2:

2. The video "Legend of Zelda: Orcarina of Time".

a. I love, love, LOVE that game, its my favorite game
of all time, so my first emotion would be LOVE for the game Zelda.

b. Fascination. Because the game centered around an object known as the sacred Triforce
(a mythical triangular object created by the three Golden Goddesses Nayru, Din, and Farore;
composed of three triangular golden shards representing: wisdom, power, and courage)
Thought #3:

3. The outer ring designs makes me think of the Mayan Culture.

a. Inspiration. I really admire the design of the mayans, I like the look of the
drawing, symbols, and styles used in their culture, their art, etc.

b. Greed. The mayan design also makes me think of the movie "Road to Eldorado", the disney movie.
It was about discovering the city of gold!! Everyone was after the GOLD!!!! and wanted as much of it
as they could get, GREED!

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